Willow - Super Broke Gentle Black Pony Mare

2011 Black Pony Mare 13 years old Willow is absolutely adorable and is the brokest pony we’ve ever seen in this size. Willow is a performance horse in a small package, but without a performance horse mind. All of our ponies do really well on trail, but we've never had one that does as well as she does on trail and in the arena. She may be small, but she knows her way around barrels and poles and would make a fantastic gymkhana or play day pony.Willow is responsive without being forward, and Georgia loves how easily she neck reins and moves off of her leg. She walks, trots, and lopes, easily picking up both leads, and rates her speed well.

On trail Willow is just about unflappable and brave, unfazed by our dogs running around,  or ducks taking off and landing on the pond. She took Georgia right through the water without any hesitation or patterning from us and we had a hard time getting Georgia off of her at the end of the day because she was having so much fun. 

Willow has been straight tied next to geldings and mares and has been cross tied with no problem, and she hops in the trailer easily. 

Willow has been pre-vet checked and is up to date on vaccines, teeth, worming, and farrier. No maintenance.