Jet - 10yr old Gentle Black Draft Cross Pony Gelding
Black Draft Cross Pony Gelding, 10 years oldJet is absolutely stunning, thick built and weighs nearly 900 pounds so he is easily able to be ridden by adults. He came to us as an experienced trail horse with lots of miles up in the wilds of Canada. Though we could have let him be as just a great trail horse we always try to get them to be as well rounded as possible so we have spent the last few months working on making him an all around pony. We had to wake him up a little from his built in laid back ways to get further along in the program and now he has been settling back in to his chill ways.
Jet has an incredible forelock and thick mane that adds to how cute he is. He has all the buttons our intermediate riders love to have and could easily be ridden by them with no additional training needed. He has shown himself to be beginner friendly with the assistance of a trainer and does fine with time off. He is really cool as a great trail horse and would do really well as a confident kids gymkhana pony. One thing is for sure, he is brave on trail and has not done anything naughty the entire time we’ve had him.