Thunder - Gentle 2019 Dapple Grey Pony Gelding

2019 Dapple Grey Pony Gelding,5 years old and about 13.2 hands

Thunder is the perfect all around pony for your kids. Our eight year old son has worked extensively with Thunder both on the ground and in the saddle. He follows Oliver around like a puppy and Oliver easily walks, trots, and lopes him while carrying a flag, bouncing a ball, or dragging a tarp. He’s ridden Thunder all over our property, crossing water, going over the stairs, and going up and down the tilt trailer - one of our scariest obstacles - and has felt safe and confident every step of the way.

Thunder takes care of beginners but a more experienced kid will easily be able to trot and lope him. He’s great at poles and barrels, easily picking up the patterns, and would be fantastic in gymkhana or at play days. Thunder hops in the trailer and gets along well with the other horses. We have had him in a stall and out on pasture with a handful of other horses without issue. He straight ties and cross ties and has no problem being tied next to other horses. He’s such a solid citizen we’ve even used him to pony unruly young horses and he took it all in stride.

Thunder is super smart and friendly, easily stealing your heart with his overly friendly, dog-like personality. He’s the perfect size for kids to grow into or to step up to from a littler pony. He picks up both leads easily, has comfortable gaits that are easy for children to sit, and will help them develop confidence and skill. He carries things around in his mouth like a dog and is guaranteed to make you laugh with his ridiculous antics. He has been exposed to dogs, cars, trucks, tractors, quads, UTVs, leaf blowers, birds taking off, loud noises, tarps, balls, flags, and ropes all over his body and feet.

Thunder has been pre-vet checked and is up to date on vaccines, teeth, worming, and farrier. No maintenance.